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Healing My Back - I Researched and Then I Did Nothing

This weekend I sat down and watched YouTube videos on healing a bad back. It was informative. It was interesting. I learned some things. I also did some self-assessments and wrote down what I found. I felt like I was writing massage therapy notes again... Old hat and all that... "HT BL piriformis more on L side. Lat. rotated R shoulder..." Etcetera, etcetera... via GIPHY   (This cat didn't ask her client for permission to massage the belly. Bad cat!) Then, I looked at my book on Somatics by Thomas Hanna... I watched some Feldenkrais videos... ...and I tried to figure out how to do things that won't make my EDS worse... I researched. I developed. I planned. And then I did nothing. My plan was to start with the somatics book... I would skim the chapters on how exactly somatics is supposed to work and then I would spend the next 8 days working through the 8 outlined lessons. From there, the plan was vague, mostly because I realized that I have a ...

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Challenge #2 - Healing My Back

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Qigong AF - Day 20 and All Those Other Days I Haven't Written About Yet

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Qigong AF - Day 10

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Qigong AF - Day 5